person holding iced coffee and looking at their phone

Results for: June 2023

Month: June 2023

When is the Best Time to Study?

Student or young professional taking notes in front of laptop

As a college student, finding the best time to study can be challenging. With classes, extracurricular activities, and social events, it can be difficult to carve out time for studying. However, finding the right time to study can make a significant impact on your academic performance. In this blog post, we will discuss the best times to study as a college student.

Read More about When is the Best Time to Study?

The Impact of Food on Cognitive Abilities: Can What We Eat Affect How We Study?

Person eating lunch outside on picnic blanket

The brain is a complicated organ that requires a lot of energy. The foods we eat have a big impact on our brain function, attention span, and memory. Not only does being hungry make it harder for us to focus in class or at work, but not getting enough sleep makes us feel exhausted during the day and often leads to overeating later on when we are tired from lack of sleep. Many people think that a calorie-dense breakfast will give them the energy to get through the morning, but this isn’t always true.

Read More about The Impact of Food on Cognitive Abilities: Can What We Eat Affect How We Study?